
  • 我的老公和家人住在东京大田区。在东京南边,川崎市旁边。被称为京滨工业地带,战争结束后,很多年轻乡下人来到这里创业。他的父亲也是其中一个。在老公小的时候,浦田和大森站的附近环境很差,河里臭气充天。很多小工厂传出臭铁油味和机械噪音,他很不愉快。但在我 2009 年,第一次来到这里,和深圳相比没有深圳繁华热闹,但却比深圳干净,而且这里的人很和气,他们不会冒犯也不会取笑人。
  • General Impression:
    Japan is a very safe country. So in the countries it is OK to go out without locking the door. Many people live in a small island peacefully. So we esteem "Wa" or harmony. There is no extreme poverty. We think we belong to the middle class. And we have to work hard enough to keep the present condition. Everyone can read and write. So, even a beggar read books.

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